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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

area carpet shag::Note the style and color name and order a click here to get a prices listed are cut prices and subject to change without notice area carpet shag

area carpet shag area carpet shag::Note the style and color name and order a click here to get a prices listed are cut prices and subject to change without notice.
Browse our page for more great deals on wholesale carpet on sale now.
Shag carpet is a style of fiber based carpeting that feature piles that are somewhat less dense and are composed of longer individual strands than those found in other carpet designs.
While many people think of the shag carpet as a relic of the past, the fact is that long yarn carpet designs are alive and well in the 21st century.
There are two characteristics that make shag carpet stand out from other types of carpet and rug designs.
The first is the length and configuration of the individual carpet yarns that are used in the design.
Along with being longer sections of yarn, the fiber is also twisted in a loose design, rather than the tight design that is used with short loop carpeting techniques.
The relaxed twist is combined with a pattern that space the individual yard strands further apart than in a conventional weave.
As a result, the look of a shag carpet is somewhat like that of a section of grass that allows the blades or strands to lay in a variety of different directions.
While there is no doubt that shag carpet does not enjoy the same level of popularity of a few decades ago, the carpet style remains sufficiently popular to be offered by a number of major carpet producers.
Consumers may see samples of shag carpet in many home stores, as well as order directly from a number of producers using online sites.
Prices for shag carpeting tend to run in the same range as any good quality of carpeting.
Today, shag carpet is offered in three distinct types.
A consumer may opt for long shag, short shag, and mini shag.
Mini shag is only slightly longer than a standard pile.
Generally, the shag carpet of today is offered in solid colors, as opposed to the multicolored designs of times past
area carpet shag::This means more than just raking a vacuum across the
deep pile area carpet shag


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