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Monday, September 12, 2011

high heel blue jeans::There are many, many ways to make men go gaga, including short skirts and low cut tops high heel blue jeans

high heel blue jeans high heel blue jeans::There are many, many ways to make men go gaga, including short skirts and low cut tops.
But there are also ways to do it without exposing anything!
High heels have this power over men and even turn on some women for that matter.
In this article we are going to discuss wearing jeans with high heels.
Jeans, if fit properly, give your legs and butt a sexy defined shape and movement that is nicely accented with a pair of high heels.
But not just any heel will do.
So here are a few things to think about before you go out to insure you turn heads while strutting your stuff.
Jeans themselves come in many different styles and colors.
When shopping for jeans, look for a tapered leg, not a boot cut, as a boot cut tends to make legs look thicker than they are.
If your legs are on the thicker side, finding jeans that fit properly to your leg may be hard as they will tend to fit in one area but not the other.
Do not give up hope just yet.
These jeans are cut differently and you may find that they fit you better.
Make sure you do not buy a pair that has material bunched up in that area.
Now that you have a pair of jeans, the type of heel you add to them is also very imporant.
With jeans you want to wear a higher heel.
You can also wear a heel with a miniplatform as they work very nicely.
If you choose to go with the miniplatform, try to find one that has a silver accent line or some sort of accent, but do not go overboard.
When the jeans are worn with the heels, the jeans should come down to or just below the arch of your foot hiding your ankle and some of the top part of the foot.
This leaves only the heel and toe area showing.
You can wear open or closed toe shoes with the look, but if you decide to wear open toe sandals make sure you paint your nails a bright color like a bright red or blue.
Also make sure the heels you pick are not too strappy.
You do not want to cover the exposed part of your foot with straps.
Pick a heel that either has a clear section or only has 2 or 3 straps crossing the foot.
If choosing a closed toe, you also do not want to pick a shoe that covers the entire top of the foot as you want to leave a little skin showing.
We have found that black or dark colored heels go best with blue jeans where colored heels like blue or red go better with black jeans.
White heels just do not seem to work very well and should not be worn with jeans.


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